Wage Garnishment During a Debt Settlement Program
Wage garnishments are extremely rare in debt settlement programs. Here are some things to know about them and how we resolve them when they happen. WHAT IS WAGE GARNISHMENT? A wage garnishment is a legal proceeding through which a portion of a debtor’s earnings is...
Tax Implications During a Debt Settlement Program or Bankruptcy
Deb settlement programs and bankruptcy may have significant implications for your tax situation. HOW MAY A DEBT SETTLEMENT PROGRAM IMPACT YOUR TAXES? A debt settlement program can get a debtor out of debt fast and save them tens of thousands of dollars, but there are...
How Debt Settlement Can Lead To Improved Credit
I cannot emphasize the importance of a good credit score enough, however when minimum payments are taking over your life, you are most likely one slip up away from damaging that score, and not in a position to enjoy the benefits of a high credit score. The...
The Link Between Mental Health & Financial Stability
Studies show high debt can increase the chances of mental and physical health problems. It is no surprise that having debt can cause stress. However, those studying the effects of debt related financial...